
High school alumni

Day before yesterday high school almni was held at KKR hotel. The alumni started at 18:30. I met a lot of friends and teachers. I told about university, high school, friends, boyfriends and some topics. And then I took many pictures with my friends!  The alumni was held about 2 hours at KKR hotel. The time passed in an instant! I had a good time there. Next I went to downtown with my close friends to drink some alcohol. But a lot of people came to downtown so we couldn't rather enter the place. Around 11:00 we could enter a bar at last! We told about recent condition, future, boyfriends and some topics each other. It was so good time I thought. Around 1:00 we tried to pay the bill, but then, one friend told with someone. The person is friend of my friend. That was an accidnt! After all the friends paid our bill! We thanked them! I went back my house around 2:00. The time was too late, but I had a special good time!  178/12414

TH: My favorite memories of this year

Hello! This time I7ll talk about my favorite memories of this year. First, this year  went to New Zealand for 3 weeks. That time I went to abroad for the first time! The experience was so great for me to study more. And I made a lot of friends at schoolfor example Chinese, Saudi Arabian, Japanese and some places.  I want to go New Zealand again  some day to meet my host family and friends! And I want to go abroad to experience some cultures. Next, I became sophomore. This year I wrote English about 23000 words! It was hard for me but I had done my best I think! Now I left about 2000words so I 'll do my best! Next, I went to Osaka with my boyfriend! We went to USJ, Dotonbori, Osaka station and some places. That time I went to USJ for the first time. Hollywood draem the ride is a roller coaser. It was so exciting in USJ!  166/12236


Hamster Chase

Hamster Chase is book in the Puffin Easy To Read series. I'm sure you've heard of it. Please listen!   19/12070

Hamster Chase

Today I'll talk about Hamster Chase. It is a book in the Puffin Easy To Read series. This is a story about some children who chase a hamster.
 One day Peter took the hamster out of his cage at school. The hamster's name is Mikey. He talked with Amy and Archie having the hamster. Then Amy sneeze. Just then, Mikey jumped out of Perter's hand. The chase was began. Mikey ran away around the class room such a computer desk, book shelf, coat closet, and so on. When Mikey was in the coat closet, Peter thought of an idea. Peter lined with sunfower seeds to hamster's cage because Mikey loves to eat. Mikey went to his cage as expected. The chase had finished!   123/12051


London is book in the Oxford Bookworms Factfiles book. I'm sure you've heard of it. Please listen!   17/11928


You can see the Crown Jewels, and visit the Bloody Tower and the White Tower. Or take a walk round the wall and perhaps see one of the Tower's  famous black birds: the ravens.Tower Bridge is near the Tower of London. It is one of the most famous bridges in the city and first opened in 1894.
That quote was from the Oxford Bookworms Factfile book, London. The book has 9 chapters, which talk about London, Visiting the city, Some places to go, Westminster, Shops and eating and various other topics. The chapter that interested me the most was Chapter 6, entitled "Shops... ...and eating". You can find foods from nearly every county in the world in London. You can eat foods from Italy, India, China, Japan, Greece, and lots more places at Soho in the West End of London.
I'm sure there's something in this book for you. Check it out!   151/11911

TH:My favorite animal

My favorite animal is dog. I love dog because dog makes me happy! I have a dog now. My family loves dog so my dog makes me very happy every day. When I go back home after school or part time job, my dog meets me at the front door almost every time. I like the habit because the habit makes me feel comfortable. Now we have a dog. The dog is Yorkshire terrier. Her name is Candy. Candy is maybe 13 years old so she is the elderly. But she has an appetite so much. When anyone comes back home she meets anyone because she wants eat some snack. Every time she pleadings for some snack. The behavior is cute I think. When I see that scene I want to change my mind. She has a plump stomach so I don't want to feed. But when I saw that scene I gave some snack.  155/11760

Christmas party

Good morning! This morning I'd like to talk about Christmas party.
Last friday, my friends who belong to the department of eibei and I held Christmas party at Iori's home. First, Eiko, Fumisa, Yuko and I went to supermarket to buy dishes, drinks, snacks and some things we need. We bought a lot of things so that cost was about 9,000 yen! Then we went to Iori's home. In that time Misaki and Kanoko decorated the room. It was so cute I thought. Around 18:30 the party was started! we ate a lot of foods, and drank alcohol or soft drink. The party was so interested! Eiko, Yuko, Kanoko, Misaki, Fumisa, Saki and I planted a plan. The plan is secret for Iori, Chisato, Hikari and Ruka! We celebrated their birthday. They were glad about the plan.   136/11545



Bones is book in the Step Into Read series. I'm sure you've heard of it. Please listen!   18/11409


Today I'll talk about Bones. It is a book in the Step Into Read series. It's a Stage 2 book. The book as a whole has 32 pages and the language as one would expect with a Stage 2 book, is pretty simple. This is a story about the bones structure.
We have 206 bones in our body. And these bones fit together perfectly of course.
Long ago, pirates used a flag with a skull and crossbones on it to frighten people. Now, we can image the flag easily. But today, a skull and crossbones means danger or poison. When we see it, be careful!    105/11401


The Pizza That We Made

The Princess and the Pea is book in the Puffin Easy To Read series. I'm sure you've heard of it. Please listen!  22/11296

The Pizza That We Made

Today I'll talk about The Pizza That We Made. It is a book in the Puffin Easy To Read series. Suzanne, Max, and Jake are the cooks. They will all make a pizza. First, they prepare ingredients such a flour, salt, cheese and so on. They mixed flour with a spoon. Next, they mashed and folded dough. They fermented the dough. And then, they formed the dough and put the tomato sauce. Next they put the green things, hams and cheese and put the dough in the oven. They ate the delicious pizza!  93/11274

The Three Little Pigs

The Princess and the Pea is book in the Puffin Easy To Read series. I'm sure you've heard of it. Please listen!   22/11181

The Three Little Pigs

 Today I'll talk about The Three Little Pig. It is a book in the Puffin Easy To Read series. Three little pigs went out into the world. First little pig built a straw house and the second little pig built a stick house. But both of them were broken by a wolf and the wolf ate up the pigs. The third little pig built a brick house. The wolf couldn't break the house. So the wolf tried to enter the house from chimney. But the little pig is smart! He put a pot which is in hot water. The wolf fell down into the pot. The little pig lived the brick house happily.   114/11159


Good morning! This time I'll talk about yesterday of my life. Yesterday is Sunday, so I went to shopping with some of my family. First, we visited a discount store to buy some daily necessities. I bought an eyewash, something to drink, frozen foods and some daily necessities. Next, we visited a car shop to ask the inspection our car. About an hour later the inspection had finished! And then we went to shopping mall to eat the lunch and buy some bread. We ate some Okonomiyaki. It was delicious but the Okonomiyaki at the restaurant is quite so I left some. Next we bought some bread to eat next morning.   111/11045


TH: My favorite sports player

Today I would like to talk about my favorite sports players. First I like Mizuki Fuzii. She plays badminton. She and her partner got a silver medal at the Olympic this year. I was so excited the game. When she fought the finals, I watched the game on TV on time. I wished that they win the game. But they couldn't win the game so they got a silver medal. But I thought that they are great badminton player. Why I like Mizuki Fuzii because she was born and grew up in Kumamoto. I want to cheer for my hometown player. So I like her and cheer for her. Next I like Kei Noshikori. Maybe everyone knows him. He plays tennis. I don't know about tennis very much. But I think he is awesome player. My boyfriend plays tennis so we want to watch Kei Nishikori's game in France or Australia someday.   156/10934

BR: 2-33 Bones

The smallest bones are inside your legs. Some of your bones act as armor. A flat bone in the middle of your chest protects your heart. Your ribs are bony cage for your lungs and other squishy parts.
 Today I read Bones. It is a book in the Step Into Read series. It's a Stage 2 book. The book as a whole has 32 pages and the language as one would expect with a Stage 2 book, is pretty simple. This is a story about the bones structure.
 We have 206 bones in our body. And these bones fit together perfectly of course.
 Long ago, pirates used a flag with a skull and crossbones on it to frighten people. Now, we can image the flag easily. But today, a skull and crossbones means danger or poison. When we se it, be careful!
This book is so interesting! I can increase some knowledge. about my bones. We have 206 bones! This is the first time I've heard of it! I want to say to my bones "Thank you all the time."   180/10778

Random House Books for Young Readers

BR: 2-32 The Three Little Pigs

"Little pig, I'm coming down the chimney. I'm going to eat you up!" But the little pig was smart. He was smarter than the wolf. He had a big pot of hot water in the fireplace. The little pig lifted the cover. The wolf fell into the pot.
 Today I read The Three Little Pig. It is a book in the Puffin Easy To Read series. It's a Level 2 book. The book as whole has 29 pages and the language as one expect with a Level 2 book, is pretty simple. This is a story about the three pigs built their house. THree little pigs went out into the world. First little pig built a straw house and the second little pig built a stick house. But both of them were broken by a wolf and the wolf ate up the pigs. The third little pig built a brick house. The wolf couldn't break the house. So the wolf tried to enter the house from chimney. But the little pig is smart! He put a pot which is in hot water in fireplace. Te little pig lived the brick house happily.
 I knew the first time. It is the end of the story. I think the end is cruelty. It isn't good for children.   216/10598


BR: 2-31 Arthur and the New Kid

"I had to wear this tie and jucket at last school. My mothrer made me wear it today. But I won't wear it again!" he said. "Way to go, Norbert!" said Arthur and Buster. "Call me Bert," said Norbert. "High five!" said Arthur. And they did.
 Today I read Arthur and the New Kid. This book is in the Step Into Reading series. It's Step 3 book. The book as whole has 24 pages and the language as one would expect with a Step 3 book is pretty simple. This is a story about a new kid came to Arthur's class.
 One day a new kid came to Arthur class. His name is Norbert. Norbert took a seat in back near no one. He always lonely. After lunch, Mr. Ratburn let Norbert to sit together the others. And then Mr. RAtburn ask a question for students. No one said a word. Then, Norbert whispered something to a classmate. Her name is Francine. Francine raised her hand and answered. At recess Arthur and his friends played soccer. Norbert just watched. Then Buster kicked the ball of the field. Norbert jumped up. Everyone thought "He is really good!" Hw played soccer with everyone. He could make a lot of friend.
 New student is nervous a new school I think. So, everyone invite anything to easy!   226/10382


The Princess and the Pea

The Princess and the Pea is book in the Puffin Easy To Read series. I'm sure you've heard of it. Please listen!  23/10156

The Princess and the Pea

 Today I'd like to talk about The Princess and the Pea. This is a book in the Puffin Easy To Read series.
One day a prince wanted to marry a real princess. The prince looked and looked. He met a lot of princesses but he sent all of them away. One day a princess knocked at the door. She beg king, queen and prince for stay a night.The queen went off to make the bed for her to try the real princess. The queen put a tiny pea under the mattress. Next, the queen put twenty mattress. The princess went to bed. Next morning the princess talked about the pea. Everyone considered that she is a real princess! So the prince got married with the real princess.  128/10133

The Bookstore Burglar

The Bookstore Burglar is in the Puffin Easy To Read series. I'm sure you've heard of it. Please listen!   19/10005

The Bookstore Burglar

 This time I'd like to talk about The Bookstore Burglar. This book is in the Puffin Easy To Read series.
Mr. Brown managed a bookstore. He has a cat. The cat's name is Cobweb. One day a man came to Mr. Brown's bookstore. The man putting spare key in his pocket. Cobweb saw that scene. He inform Mr. Brown about that thing. But Mr. Brown didn't notice.
 At night, the man came to the bookstore. Cobweb noticed that man came to bookstore. Cobweb and Mr. Brown's ghosts finished off the man. Then, Mr. Brown noticed all thing so Mr. Brown praised them.   103/9986

Birthday date

 Good morning! Today I'll talk about my boyfriend's birthday party. Yesterday is my boyfriend's birthday. He became 20 years old. I prepared birthday present secret from him. I bought the gloves and socks. First we met in front of parco around 14:00. Then we went to restaurant to eat lunch. We enjoyed lunch talking about his birthday, school, Christmas and so on. Next we went to a lot of clothes shop to see the party dress. I have to buy it to a party which hold this month. Around 18:30 we went to Good Deal Cafe to eat dinner. I asked for clerk a plan secret from him. I prepare a cake for him. This is my plan!  119/9883

2nd Blog Stats

Word count
 November: 4344words
Total: 9764 words

November: 26
Total: 68

Book Reviews
November: 13
Total: 30

My Podcasts
November: : 1
Total: 4


BR: 2-30 New York

People often call New York 'The Big Apple'. Why? In the 1920s and 1930s, jazz musicians all wanted to work in New York. 'There are a lot of apples on the tree,' they said, 'but when you take New York City, you take The Big Apple!' Yes, everybody wanted some of The Big Apple- and they want some today, too!

 New York is a book in the Oxford Bookworms series. It's in the Facfiles sub-series, the nonfiction counterpart of the Oxford Bookworms Library. It's a Stage 1 book. The book is divided into nine chapters: The Big Apple, In the beginning, Visiting the city, Some places to go, Looking up!, Shopsping and eating, Entertainment, We love parade!, and New York and New Yorkers. These nine chapters are followed by a map and as with other Facfiles books, some exercises and a glossary.
 The book as a whole has 17 pages, and each chapter comprises about 2 pages. The language, as one would expect with a Stage 1 book, is very simple. For example, the 14 sentences on page 12 have the following lengths (number of words): 10, 13, 10, 14, 22, 15, 11, 9, 10, 15, 7, 8, 21, and 17. This yields a mean of 16.4 words per sentence.

 The chapters that appealed to me the most are Chapter 4: Some places to go and Chapter 7: Entertainment. The bulk of this review will be devoted to these two chapters.
 If you can go to New York you enjoy Chinatown, Little Italy and so on. New York has a lot of places to go. So more than twenty milllion people visit New York every year. There are beach, aquarium, park, roller coaster and so on!
 And then New York has a lot of entertainments. For example theeatre, ballet, tennis center, baseball stadium and so on! You can enjoy these entertainments.   313/9764

BR: 2-29 London

You can see the Crown Jewels, and visit the Bloody Tower and the White Tower. Or take a walk round the wall and perhaps see one of the Tower's  famous black birds: the ravens.Tower Bridge is near the Tower of London. It is one of the most famous bridges in the city and first opened in 1894.

 London is a book in the Oxford Bookworms series. It's in the Facfiles sub-series, the nonfiction counterpart of the Oxford Bookworms Library. It's a Stage 1 book. The book is divided into nine chapters: This is London!, In the beginning, Visiting the city, Some places to go, Westminster, Shops... ...and eating, Going out, Museums and galleries, and Places and parades. These nine chapters are followed by a map and as with other Facfiles books, some exercises and a glossary.

 The book as a whole has 17 pages, and each chapter comprises about 2 pages. The language, as one would expect with a Stage 1 book, is very simple. For example, the 12 sentences on page 10 have the following lengths (number of words): 19, 4, 13, 34, 8, 12, 9, 18, 25, 8, 24, and 23. This yields a mean of 16.4 words per sentence.

 The chapters that appealed to me the most are Chapter 3: Home-cooked food and Chapter 6: Shops... ...and eating. The bulk of this review will be devoted to these two chapters.
 If you go to London, you can get to defferent place easily by Underground train. The trains run all day and most of the night.  It's better not to make your journey between eight o'clock and ten o'clock in the morning, or four o'clock and six o'clock in the evening. These are called the 'rush' hours. London taxis are called 'black cabs'. Most of them are black, but some are not.
 And you can find food from nearly every countryin the world in London. You can eat food from Italy, India, China, Japan, Greece, and lots more places at Soho in the West End of London.   342/9451

TH: My favorite animated cartoon

My favorite animated cartoons are Ginntama and Detective Conann. I like these animated cartoons. Maybe I like boys animated cartoon better than girls anmated cartoon because  I often watch boys animated cartoon. Especially I like Ginntama and Detective Conann. I would like to talk about Ginntama. Ginntama is publishing serially in a Boys Jamp. This animated cartoon is popular among with young people I think. Almost young boys have watched or read this animated cartoon at least once before. Ginntama is a story about Edo era. Two bays and a girl help a lot of people. Sometimes they fight creatures from other space. Sometimes they fight police men.I want to recommend this animated cartoon for my friends! Next I'll talk about Detective Conann. This is a story a boy solves many troubles. The hero was a high school student. But one day, he was changed a elementary student by bad organization.   153/9109


BR: 2-28 Food and Drink in Britain

Maybe the way people make tea has changed over the years but in this country of tea drinkers, many people still use the old Chinese word for tea and like nothing better than to have cup of cha or even just a good old cuppa.

 Food and Drink in Britain is a book in the Oxford Bookworms series. It's in the Facfiles sub-series, the nonfiction counterpart of the Oxford Bookworms Library. It's a Stage 3 book. The book is divided into twelve chapters: Introduction, Changes in diet and shopping, Farming and fishing, Home-cooked food, Eating out and eating outside, Fast food, Potatoes: a staple food, A sweet tooth, Going for a drink, A nice cup of tea, How to make Shepherd's Pie, How to make Scones. These twelve chapters are followed by a map and as with other Facfiles books, some exercises and a glossary.

 The book as a whole has 27 pages, and each chapter comprises about 2 pages. The language, as one would expect with a Stage 3 book, is pretty simple. For example, the 10 sentences on page 1 have the following lengths (number of words): 16, 16, 21, 13, 23, 25, 18, 34, 18, and 15. This yields a mean of 19.9 words per sentence.

 The chapters that appealed to me the most are Chapter 4: Home-cooked food. The bulk of this review will be devoted to these two chapters.
Some britain people like to 'go to work on an egg'. They eat an egg for breakfast before going to work. But many more breakfast on cereal. And whatever they eat, most people drink tea or coffee. At weekends many people have a more traditional, cooked breakfast. Two favorite meals with children are fish fingers and chips, and baked beans on toast. And three traditional British meals are bangers, beans and mash, stew, and the Sunday roast.    311/8956



On Saturday I went to downtown with Eiko, Misaki and Sumire. First we met Parco on 13:00. But Sumire arrived there around 13:20. And then, we went to Amamiya. Amamiya is cafe. We ate udon and parfait. These were delicious! We enjoyed talking with eat them. Next we went to Tsutaya to looking for schedule notebook. There were a lot of schedule notebook. I think there are about 100 kinds of schedule notebook! Misaki and Sumire looking for schedule notebook too. But we didn't buy it because we didn't find our favorite schedule notebook! After we went back home each other. But I have to go my part time job to work. But I had a good time with my friends!   122/8645


BR: 2-27 Corduroy Writes a Letter

Lisa put the letter into an envelope and mailed it. The following week, Lisa had the radio on. The deejay said, "This next song is for Corduroy from Lisa." Then, "Teddy Bear Bop" began to play. Lisa and Corduroy danced around the room.
 Today I read Corduroy Writes a Letter. It is a book in the Puffin Easy To Read series. This is a story about the Corduroy writes a letter.
 One day Lisa bite aof her cookie but she thought something's different. She wants the bakery to put more sprinkles. She tried to writes a letter for bakery owner. She got out a pen and a pad of paper. After a while, she gave up to writes a letter. But Corduroy thought that maybe I can write a letter. So he wrote a letter and put it in an envelope and mailed. The next Saturday, Lisa and Corduroy picked up the cookies. The cookies have enough sprinkles! The bakery owner said "Someone sent me a letter."
 By the way Lisa listen to music on the radio with Corduroy everyday. She wishes they would play her favorite song. So, she decided to writes a letter for radio station. The following week, Lisa listen the radio. Just then, the deejay said "This next song is for Corduroy from Lisa." Then, her favorite song began to play!
 It is interesting story I think. Corduroy is cute teddy bear. I want him to writes a letter for me!   248/8523


BR: 2-26 The Princess and the Pea

"You must be a real princess!" they said. "Only a real princess could feel a pea under twenty mattresses!" The prince married the princess, because he knew she was a real princess!
 Today I read The Princess and the Pea. It is a book in the Puffin Easy To Read series. This is a story about a princess.
 One day a prince wanted to marry a real princess. The prince looked and looked. He met a lot of princesses but he sent all of them away. One day a princess knocked at the door. The king and queen permit the princess to enter. The queen went off to make the bed for he to try the real princess. The queen put a tiny pea under the mattress. Next, the queen put twenty mattress. The princess went to bed. In the morning the king, queen and prince asked her "How did you sleep?" she said "I did not sleep because there was a big lump in my bed." The king, queen and prince thought she is a real princess. So the prince got married with the real princess.
 I couldn't understand why she was judged the real princess.   197/8275

TH: My favorite drink

Today I will talk about my favorite drinks. I have three favorite drinks. First, I'll talk about milk tea. I like milk tea better than straight tea and lemon tea. From the outset I like milk so I like milk tea. Especially I like it which containing a lot of milk. Next, I would like to talk about cafe au lait. When I go to Mr. donut I usually order cafe au lait. Because I can have extra helping there. I like cafe au lait because it containing a lot of milk too. The last I'll talk about drink which using powdered green tea. I like green tea taste. For example I like ice cream, drink, chocolate which taste are powdered green tea. When I go to coffee shop such a starbucks, I often order frappuccino of powdered green tea.   142/8275


BR: 2-25 Ireland

Ireland is a book in the Oxford Bookworms series. It's in the Factfiles sub-series, the nonfiction counterpart of the Oxford Bookworms Library.  It's a Stage 2 book. The book is divided into ten chapters: A strange and interesting country, Around the Island, The Irish chichi and people, The English come to Ireland, Death from hunger, Fighting to be free, Northern Ireland, Dublin, Stories, music and dancing, A country for young people.

The book as a whole has 17 pages, and each chapter comprises about 2 pages. The sentences are quite easy, with about 10-20 words a sentence. Most sentences are simple in structure, with few or no embedded clauses. The vocabulary is also quite simple, with few words that typical learners will need to look up in a dictionary.

The chapters that appealed to me the most are Chapter 2: Around the island and Chapter 10: A country for young people. The bulk of this review will be devoted to these two chapters.

Ireland has many nature. Ireland is full of beautiful lakes and rivers, where people fish, swim and sail. Also Ireland has many mountains. These are near the sea. They are not very high so they are beautiful and good places to walk.
Today Ireland's young people are famous for pop music and computers as well as for farming and horses. Most of the time, the Irish are the friendliest people in Europe. So, Irish always thinking that A hundred thousand welcomes.   241/8133

My winter vacation plans

 Good morning! Today I'll talk about my winter vacation plans. In winter vacation, I'll go to Aso farmland with my friends. We'll stay at farm village. And we'll take a lot of hot spring bathes. Also, we will watch beautiful illumination! I'm looking forward to the trip.
 Next, I'll do hard part time job. In winter many office worker do the year end party. I work Italian restaurant so I'll have to work for the party.   78/7892


BR: 2-24 The Pizza That We Made

 This is the clock. There goes the bell. Sniff. Sniff. Mmmm. What a great smell. This is our pizza. It's ready to eat. It tastes so yummy. What a great treat!
 Today I read The Pizza That We Made. It is a book in the Puffin Easy To Read series. This is a story about the children make a pizza. Suzanne, Max, and Jake are the cooks. They will all make a pizza. First, they prepare ingredients such a flour, salt, cheese and so on. They mixed flour with a spoon. Next, they mashed and folded dough. They fermented the dough. And then, they formed the dough and put the tomato sauce. Next they put the green things, hams and cheese and put the dough in the oven. They ate the delicious pizza!
 I want to eat a pizza since I read the book.  145/7814

BR: 2-23 Hamster Chase

"We can make a trail," said Peter. "A trail of food?" asked Archie. "Yes," said Perter, "We can make a trail of food back to Mikey's cage." "It might work," said Archie.
 Today I read Hamster Chase. It is a book in the Puffin Easy To Read series. This is a story about boys and a girl chase a hamster.
 One day Perter took the hamster out of his cage at school. The hamster's name is Mikey. He talked with Amy and Archie having the hamster. Then Amy sneeze. Just then, Mikey jumped out of Perter's hand. The chase was began. Mikey ran away around the class room such a computer desk, book shelf, coat closet, and so on. When MIkey was in the coat closet, Peter thought of an idea. Peter lined with sunfower seeds to hamster's cage because Mikey loves to eat. Mikey went to his cage as expected. The chase had finished! This story is interesting I think. Mikey is simple minded!   166/7669

Turtleback Books: A Division of Sanval

TH: My favorite food

My favorite food are spaghetti and udon. I like noodles so much. So I like ramen, buckwheat noodles, noodles stewed with meat and vegetables and so on. But especially I like spaghetti and udon. I'd like to talk about spaghetti first. I work at Italian restaurant. because I like spaghetti. When I went to job interview, I thought that if I work there I might eat spaghetti sometimes. Now, I eat spaghetti sometimes. Especially I like tomato sauce! The chef cooks delicious tomato sauce spaghetti when I request. Next, I'd like to talk about udon. Especially I like put edible wild plants or egg or okra and natto in udon. So when I go to eat udon, I order such udon. I like chewy udon better than nothing. My favorite udon restaurant is Hanamaru Udon. This is in Shimo Tori.  142/7503


The Bookstore Ghost

The Bookstore Ghost is in the Puffin Easy To Read series. I'm sure you've heard of it. Please listen!  19/7361

The Bookstore Ghost

This time I'd like to talk about The Bookstore Ghost. This book is in the Puffin Easy To Read series.
 Mr. Brown started a bookstore which only sold ghost books. And he wanted to live with a cat so he bought it. They lived above the bookstore but mice lived there too. Many people scared the mice, so nobody came to the bookstore. Mr. Brown asked the cat to catch the mice. But the cat liked the mice. They thought of a plan. The mice pretended to be ghosts. The children were afraid. Many people came the bookstore to see the ghosts and bought some books. Now, Mr. Brown likes his ghosts.   112/7342

BR: 2-22 Corduroy's Garden

Corduroy kept watching. The plants grew leaves and flowers. Then little beans began to form. "I see a bean!" said Corduroy. He clapped his paws. "I must be getting good at bean watching!" said Corduroy. He put on his sunglasses and got back to work.
 Today I read Corduroy's Garden. It is a book in the Puffin Easy To Read series. This is a story about Corduroy grow the plants.

 One day Lisa buried some seeds in the garden. She gave a job to Corduroy. The job is watching and protecting the garden.Lisa took nCorduroy inside and put him in a chair by the window. He watched the garden but he fell  sleep. The puppy came the garden and digging. He stopped the puppy. He replanted all beans. He watched the garden on sunny days and rainy days.
 One day the puppy came again but Corduroy protected the garden. Just then Lisa came back home from school. She hug Corduroy and praised.
 I want the Corduroy for my family because Corduroy is wise and kind. I'm sure he would be useful.   183/7230


Yesterday Misaki, Sumire, Eiko and I went to Aso. Around 11:00 We met in front of dormitory. Eiko drove a car. First, we stopped by a convenience store and bought a drink and some snack. After we left for Aso. Before we arrive Aso we stopped Ozu  Mitino-eki. The other day some big name visited here. Next we left for Aso. We arrived South Aso village but we left for Kusa senri.   73/7047


BR: 2-21 The Bookstore Burglar

"You tried to warn me. Thank you, Cobweb." "Thank you, too, ghost!" he told the mice. "It's late. You must be hungry. Everyone follow me." They went upstairs to the kitchen. Mr. Brown made a treat. It was not just any treat. It was a cheese treat.
 Today I read The Bookstore Burglar. It is a book in the Puffin Easy To Read series. This is a story about a fight to a burglar. One day a man came to a Mr. Brown's bookstore. The man putting spare key in his pocket. Cobweb which is Mr. Brown's  cat saw that scene. The man walked to the door. Only Cobweb knew what he had done. Cobweb tried to inform for Mr. Brown. But he didn't notice her. Mr. Brown was busy all day. He closed the bookstore and upstaired. But Cobweb stayed downstairs. Then a man came the bookstore. She thought the burglar might came back. She and ghosts exterminated the burglar. Mr. Brown came downstiars. He found the spare key had stolen. He praised Cobweb and his ghost.
 I think that Cobweb and the mice so wise!  192/6974


BR: 2-20 The Bookstore Ghost

"Mr. Brown says you are scaring the people away," the cat said to the mice. "But this is a ghost bookstore," said a mouse. "It should be scary." Then the cat said "I have a plan."
 Today I read The Bookstore Ghost. It is a book in the Puffin Easy To Read series. This is a story about a man, a cat and the mice.
 Mr. Brown liked ghost book, cheese, and cats. He started a bookstore only sold ghost book. And he wanted to live with a cat. And he did. They lived above the bookstore but mice lived too. Many people scared the mice, so nobody come the bookstore. Mr. Brown asked the cat to catch the mice. But the cat like the mice. They thought of a plan. The mice pretended ghosts. They pushed book secretly. Children were afraid. Many people came the bookstore to see the ghosts and bought some books. Now, Mr. Brown like ghost books, cheese, his cat and his ghost1
 This story is funny. I think the cat's idea was so good!  180/6782

TH: My favorite dessert

Hello. Today I will talk about my favorite dessert. My favorite dessert is cake! I like cake very much. Especially I like fruits tarte. Why I like fruits tarte because I like dough of tarte. The other day, I went to forest of Buronyu. This is a cake shop at Kami Tori. I bought a mont blanc used powder green tea and a apple tarte. These were so delicious! I want to recommend the shop for my friends because the shop has a lot of kind cake and a Western style cake. Moreover the shop assistant were kind for customer.
And I want to recommend a tarte shop. The shop's name is Tartelette. I know the shop's owner. He manages the shop and makes tartes by himself. He uses season fruits.  Furthermore he makes quiche too. Tartea and quiche are so good by he made.   146/6602


BR: 2-19 A New House for Mole and Mouse

Mouse opened the door. "For you," said someone. "The balloong are for you." All of sudden everything was not just fine.
 Today I read A New House for Mole and Mouse. It is a book in the Puffin Easy to Read. This is a story about a new house.
 One day a Mole and a Mouse moved new house. They tried everything out. They tried piano, washtub, mixer, bathtub and so on. Everything worked just fine! But they haven't heard the doorbell ring. They wait for someone to ring it. And then, ringing the bell. Someone gave balloons for Mouse. The Mouse thought that everything was not just fine!
 I thought pictures so cute. I think that may be children like this book!  124/6456

The Leopard and the Lighthouse

A leopard came to a village to get some food. Men threw stones to the leopard so he ran to the lighthouse. A head man of Sindi is Mahammed wanted to kill the leopard. He held a competition. If someone kill the leopard, the one could marry Tanza. Tanza is daughter of Mahammed. Men tried but they couldn't. But a man could but he didn't kill the leopard. His name is Saied. Now, he and Tanza live happily with their children.  81/6332

BR: 2-18 The Leopard And The Lighthouse

"The leopard is beautiful. Please give him to me." "All right," says Mohammed. "The leopard is yours, Saied."
Saied takes the leopard to the Animal Park in Nairobi. Then he comes back to Sindi. Later, Tanza and Saied get married. Five years pass. They have Children now— two boys and a girl. They are very happy.
 Today I read The Leopard and the Lighthouse. It is a book in the Penguin Readers series. This is a story about a leopard and lighthouse stands on Sindi in East Africa. Sindi is an island in East Africa. There is a old lighthouse. The lighthouse stands near the village by the sea. One day a leopard came the village to get some food. He were very hungry. He went to market to get some food but there were a lot of people. Men throw stones to the leopard. He runs out of the market. He saw a tall building. The door was opened so he into the building. A head man of Sindi is called Mohammed. He has a beautiful daughter, Tanza. He thought of an idea. He held a competition to kill the leopard. The winner can marry Tanza. Some men tried to kill the leopard. A man tried. His name is Saied. He could catch a leopard but he didn't kill. He return the leopard to Animal Park and he got married with Tanza. He and Tanza are very happy with their children.  241/6251

*LEOPARD & LIGHTHOUSE PGRN ES (Penguin Readers (Graded Readers))

Fukuoka trip

November 3rd I went to Fukuoka to see my friends who were same badminton club when we were high school student. I and Risa and Saori arrived Fukuoka around 11:00, we met Rika and Ayano in front of Tenjin station. First, we went to game center to do print club. We did costume play print club. This is a first time for me. It was so fun I thought. Next, we went to Fukuoka university to meet a friend  who belonged to same badminton club. The school festival was held when we went to there. A lot of students opened shop each circle. We ate Hashimaki, Churosu, Yakitori and so on. These were delicious.  115/6010


Blog Stats

Word count   September 1382 words
                      October 4513 words

Total post  42 post
Book reviews  17
My podcast  3


Good days

 Last Sunday, I joined a live at my work place. The live was held 7th anniversary of another restaurant. The owner manage two Italian restaurants. The reataurant's name are Curague and Sazae. This live was held 7th anniversary of Curague. Ajara came the live. Ajara is a band which usually active in Osaka. Ajara's song are great! I and stuff and owner like them. We sang songs and danced. And we drank much alcohol so our tension were so high! When the live finished we took some pictures with Non chan who do a vocal of the band. Non chan is too cute. Our owner really like her. He hug Non chan because he was drank. And we daned and sang with Non chan because we w
were drank. After all the live really finished about 1:00. We had a good time with Ajara.
 And last Monday, I went to Korean food restaurant with my friends of eibei. Then I went to Korean reataurant for the first time. But Korean foods were delicious! Especially fried rice with kimuchi and purukogi were so delicious! Moreover the restaurant's menu are cheap! I want to go there with my boyfriend in the near future. Next, we went to game center to take a print club. And then we went to Starbucks. The drinks are so good. We enjoyed talking and drinking. We decided to go back home around 22:00. I said "see ya!" to everyone. But my phone rang. Eiko called me. After about 30 minutes Eiko, Sumire Misaki and I went to Mr. doughnut. We talked about class, friend and so on. I had a really good time two days!   278/5895


TH: My favorite place I've been

My favorite place is of course my house. Because I can the most relax there. I can eat something when I want, I can sleep when I want, I can take a bath when I want so I can do something when I want. Especially I like a living room. Why I like the living room because I can eat, watch the TV, sleep and so on. I usually watch DVD if I have a free time. This is my hobby. But TV is not in my room. So I have to go the living room when I want to watch the DVD. But I like my room because I decorated my favorite posters, things and so on. And I can read my favorite magazine drinking favorite drink! I like spending time loosely. I want to do such a thing while Takuma-sai!   143/5617

BR: 2-17 Henry And Mudge And The Wild Goose Chase

Mudge and the goose looked at each other though the window. "Honk," said the goose. Mudge looked. "Honk," said the goose. Mudge looked. "Honk," said the goose. "BARK!" said Mudge. The goose jumped three feet in the air and went running wildly away.
 Today I read Henry and Mudge and the Wild goose Chase. It is a book in the Ready to Read series. This is a story about Henry's family go to farm.
 One day Henry's mother told that she wanted some farm things such eggs, blueberries and so on. Henry, his father, his mother and Mudge drove to the country. They arrived the farmhouse. A woman wearing an apron cane from the house. Her name is Mrs. French. While Henry and Mudge explored, his parent would get some farm things. Henry and Mudge met a lot of farm animals for example goats, chickens, cats, sheeps and goose. But the goose looklike angry. The goose honked Henry and Mudge all the way back th the farmhouse. Mudge looked the goose though the window. Then, Mudge barked. The goose back to the field with surprise.
 I think this story is funny. Mudge is brave and kind dog I think. I want to raise up a dog such a Mudge!   210/5294